3701 Wilshire Blvd Los Angeles CA, 90010-2871
As you start your trip, having local currency on hand lets you easily cover immediate expenses without needing to hunt down a currency exchange office. On your return, we can often buy back unused foreign currency cash at a Cottage Private Banking branch.
Use our international wire transfer services to send and receive overseas payments. Whether online, in-person at a branch, or over the phone, Cottage Private Banking offers a number of ways to send international wire transfers.
Sending an international wire transfer in foreign currency lets you lock in an exchange rate up front and know the exact amount of foreign currency being sent to the beneficiary.
Let us show you how to file taxes quicker and easier, and answer your most-asked tax filing questions. What you need to know and have on-hand before you start filing taxes.
We offer two overdraft services to help you manage your checking account. Both services are optional and can be added or removed at any time. If you are enrolled in both services, we will first use Overdraft Protection to cover your transactions. Optional overdraft services, such as Overdraft Protection and Debit Card Overdraft Services, are not available for Clear Access Banking accounts.
You can link up to two eligible accounts (one savings, one credit) to your checking account, and we will use available funds in the linked account(s) to authorize or pay your transactions if you don't have enough money in your checking account.
You can choose whether your ATM and everyday (one-time) debit card transactions may be approved, at the Bank's discretion, if you don't have enough money in your checking account or in accounts linked for Overdraft Protection at the time of the transaction.